A Day to Remember - I Remember - Released 10/8/2013 - Song
Acoustic Radio - Poughkeepsie - Released 10/10/2016 - Song
The Story - "Song was actually written by my bandmate Rick Twombly. He had an interesting road trip thru Poughkeepsie with an ex-girlfriend that led to the song. We almost named the album Poughkeepsie." Michal Waterman - Acoustic Radio
Alexandre Desplat - Poughkeepsie - Released 12/15/2023 -
VIDEO COMING SOON Amplify Me - Never Been There (Feat. Jenna Cogan) - Released 8/18/2022 - Video
Andrews Sisters with Bing Crosby - There's a Fellow Waiting in Poughkeepsie - Released 12/8/1944 - Lyrics, Song, Record Image
The Story - "This is a very personal song for me. It’s about an intensely formative period of my life that I cherish but was nevertheless characterized by personal failures and growing pains. More than that, it’s a love letter to the wonderful people who ran the race alongside me. Some of these people are lifelong family now, some not so much.
The sea of emotions that motivated this song is not unique; nearly everyone has lived experiences like this one that embody the immutable emotional compromise that is “nostalgia.”
My hope is that in this song, others can find their own “Poughkeepsie.” Cole Fisher
The sea of emotions that motivated this song is not unique; nearly everyone has lived experiences like this one that embody the immutable emotional compromise that is “nostalgia.”
My hope is that in this song, others can find their own “Poughkeepsie.” Cole Fisher
Ashford's Folly - Poughkeepsie - Released 12/7/2013 - Video
Ava Rae Heatley - Poughkeepsie - Released 7/24/2016 - Song/Lyrics, Video
The Story - "I wrote Poughkeepsie my freshman year of college. It was the first time I had been away from home and I enjoyed playing with the idea that a place can have an intense impact on who you are and what it’s like to evolve and change then return home to a place that hasn’t. Leaving you to wonder “do you even recognize me anymore?”"
Batteries Not Included - Poughkeepsie, City of Sin - Video
Ben Swift - Poughkeepsie - Released 5/22/2006 - Song
Betty and the Baby Boomers - The Poughkeepsie Whaler - Released 7/1/2009 - Lyrics - Song, Live Version
The Story
The Story
Bill Ring - Poughkeepsie - Released 11/1/2005 - Song
The Story - "When I moved from NYC to New Paltz, which is only a few miles across the river, I remembered that line (Picking your feet in Poughkeepsie from The French Connection). After I had been up there awhile I started hearing about the distinctly "urban" character of Poughkeepsie, in contrast to the rural, touristy upstate vibe of the surrounding area. After that it was just a question of writing from the hook." Bill Ring
Brad Yoder - Poughkeepsie Song - Lyrics - VIDEO COMING SOON
Cans - Real Poughkeepsie Soldier - Song
Cans - Poughkeepsie, NY - Video
Cat Passenger - North of Poughkeepsie - Released 5/28/2021 - Video
Censors - Poughkeepsie to P.A. - Released 11/18/2016 - Video
Charles Bradley - Why is it So Hard - Released 1/25/2011- Lyrics, Video, Documentary Clip, Documentary Full
Chris Koza - Trip to Poughkeepsie - Released 10/15/2004 - Lyrics, Song
The Story - "I’d like to say my song “Trip to Poughkeepsie,” was about a pursuit for the truest and deepest of all unalterable knowledge, but like many well-intended pop songs, it’s about love, or the possibility and problems thereof. The source material comes from a spontaneous Thanksgiving trip and subsequent jaunt through upstate New York. I had a friend at Vassar College, a commuter train ticket, a backpack, a conveniently huge black leather wallet of compact discs, and a propensity for creating meaning out of the mundane. I was eager to play it cool - hoping for something more, but happy just to be reconnecting threads from earlier life. She was always the cool friend who knew all the indi-bands and singer-songwriters before everyone else did. At the end of the second day, we were just hanging out and playing music on the bulky Optimus-Prime-chestplate boomboxes that played CD’s and cassettes. This was well before the great prevalence of streaming, iPod, even mp3’s. Once we knew where we stood with each other that weekend was easy, carefree and prescient; as long as the music was playing, our time together was intact. Poughkeepsie to me is probably more about this specific person and experience than it is an actual city with streets, buildings and living, breathing humans. I’m no expert! I only took a trip to Poughkeepsie. If I ever get a chance to stay for a couple weeks maybe I can write an update."
The Story - "I’d like to say my song “Trip to Poughkeepsie,” was about a pursuit for the truest and deepest of all unalterable knowledge, but like many well-intended pop songs, it’s about love, or the possibility and problems thereof. The source material comes from a spontaneous Thanksgiving trip and subsequent jaunt through upstate New York. I had a friend at Vassar College, a commuter train ticket, a backpack, a conveniently huge black leather wallet of compact discs, and a propensity for creating meaning out of the mundane. I was eager to play it cool - hoping for something more, but happy just to be reconnecting threads from earlier life. She was always the cool friend who knew all the indi-bands and singer-songwriters before everyone else did. At the end of the second day, we were just hanging out and playing music on the bulky Optimus-Prime-chestplate boomboxes that played CD’s and cassettes. This was well before the great prevalence of streaming, iPod, even mp3’s. Once we knew where we stood with each other that weekend was easy, carefree and prescient; as long as the music was playing, our time together was intact. Poughkeepsie to me is probably more about this specific person and experience than it is an actual city with streets, buildings and living, breathing humans. I’m no expert! I only took a trip to Poughkeepsie. If I ever get a chance to stay for a couple weeks maybe I can write an update."
Christopher Peifer - Poughkeepsie - Released 8/15/2020 - Video
The Story - "It just spontaneously spilled out of me. I played it once, and it was done. It's the most melancholy song I've ever written. The subject doesn't actually live in Poughkeepsie, but it rhymed with what I wanted to sing, and I really couldn't think of a sadder place."
The Story - "It just spontaneously spilled out of me. I played it once, and it was done. It's the most melancholy song I've ever written. The subject doesn't actually live in Poughkeepsie, but it rhymed with what I wanted to sing, and I really couldn't think of a sadder place."
Coyote Hotline - Poughkeepsie - Released 4/29/2017 - Video
The Davenports - Don't Be Mad at Me - Released 7/13/2018 - Song
Death has no Dominion - Poughkeepsie Exit - Song
The Story - "That song, “Keep Your Silver Shined,” has a lot of images from Virginia (where I live / grew up) and also upstate NY, where I lived for a summer when I was 18. I spent very little time in Poughkeepsie but I hung out with a guy who was from there, so that’s where the reference came from. He was living in Saugerties when I met him, and I was living in Woodstock. It was a very idyllic summer and it seemed like a very idyllic relationship for a while — we met at a Shakespeare in the park thing and then just hung around listening to music and goofing off for a few months. The “scam” part was when I found out he was doing drugs that were way different than the drugs I was doing, and that (plus the dishonesty) just kind of ruined the whole thing." Devon Sproule
Dylan Hicks - Poughkeepsie (album) - Released 4/7/1998 - Overview
The Story - The story doesn't run deep, and I may be hazy on some details, but as I recall, my band mates and I were touring in '96 or '97, heading east from Minneapolis to New York for a couple weeks. I think we had a show in Albany, then a day off before we needed to get to our shows in New York City and New Jersey. I had picked up from a self-help guide published by Musician magazine that touring musicians, on days off, were wise to try to hustle a gig on the spot, even if it was only for a few bucks, the chance to sell merch, and a shot at a free couch or worse for the night. We decided to try that in Poughkeepsie.
I don't now the city well, but there's a large toll bridge leading down into and up out of the heart of the city, yes? We had the name of potential club but no real directions, so, as we approached the bridge, our bassist asked whoever was driving to slow down in order to ask a man standing in front of a bus shelter if he knew the way to the club. I can't remember the name of the club. The fellow by the bus shelter was several decades older than we were, though probably not much older than I am now, and nothing about him suggested to me that he'd be up on the coordinates for the local rock clubs. I discouraged stopping to bother this guy but was overruled, and I guess I didn't think it was the time to enforce my titular leadership. After the bassist asked the man in the bus if he knew the way to the club, the man paused for moment, and then, in a kind of contemptuous bewilderment, said, "I'm not from Poughkeepsie!"
So for the rest of the tour, and beyond, we answered questions whose answers we didn't know, and questions we just didn't want to answer, likewise: "I'm not from Poughkeepsie!" In some way I can't describe, it seemed to fit the album--maybe it was an admission of our general bewilderment or frustration.
I don't now the city well, but there's a large toll bridge leading down into and up out of the heart of the city, yes? We had the name of potential club but no real directions, so, as we approached the bridge, our bassist asked whoever was driving to slow down in order to ask a man standing in front of a bus shelter if he knew the way to the club. I can't remember the name of the club. The fellow by the bus shelter was several decades older than we were, though probably not much older than I am now, and nothing about him suggested to me that he'd be up on the coordinates for the local rock clubs. I discouraged stopping to bother this guy but was overruled, and I guess I didn't think it was the time to enforce my titular leadership. After the bassist asked the man in the bus if he knew the way to the club, the man paused for moment, and then, in a kind of contemptuous bewilderment, said, "I'm not from Poughkeepsie!"
So for the rest of the tour, and beyond, we answered questions whose answers we didn't know, and questions we just didn't want to answer, likewise: "I'm not from Poughkeepsie!" In some way I can't describe, it seemed to fit the album--maybe it was an admission of our general bewilderment or frustration.
Fani Pacc - Poughkeepsie - Released 2/7/2018 - Video
The Felice Brothers - 1st Song Released 8/24/2011 - The Poughkeepsie Princess EP
Figurines - Poughkeepsie - Released 9/27/2010 - Song
Foreign Motion - Poughkeepsie - Video
Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly - Movie Premiered 3/9/1949 - Yes Indeedy - Video
Frank Zappa - In Poughkeepsie - Recorded 9/21/1978
Fred Reichhardt - Poughkeepsie Polka - Published 1853 - Song
Ghost Shirt Empire - Gypsy Poughkeepsie - Released 5/5/2010 - Song
Glen Raphael - Passing Through Poughkeepsie - Recorded 11/13/2017 - Video
Greg Lyon - Nowhere Near Poughkeepsie - Released11/3/2010 - Song
Hayden Mattingly - Poughkeepsie - Released 3/10/2022 - Video
Hotel Books - Celebration - Released 10/27/2017 - Video
Icharm - Thinking About You Skit - Lyrics - COMING SOON
Jake Miller - Headlights - Released 3/9/2018 - Song
Jeremy Grisbee - Poughkeepsie - Released 9/4/2015 - Video
The Story - "My wife was born in Poughkeepsie and this song was inspired by our first trip to her home in Vermont when I met her family. We were dating then, so it was our first long trip that helped seal the deal that we were ready to go a little further in our relationship." Jeremy Grisbee
Joe Perella - A Song About Sundays/2 Piece Puzzle - Video
Johnny Starburst and the All Star Singers - Gypsy from Poughkeepsie - Released 9/20/18 - Lyrics - Song
Joquina Amoral - Your Dog Chose Me - Released 3/23/2001 - Video
Joshua Wayne Hensley - Poughkeepsie - Released 11/13/2020 - Video
The Story - "Fountains of Joshua Wayne is a 4 song solo EP I recorded in honor of Adam Schlesinger (Fountains of Wayne, Ivy, That Thing You Do, etc) who passed away on April 1, 2020 from complications related to COVID-19. It consists of three Fountains of Wayne covers as well as an original song, “Poughkeepsie,” that was inspired by Adam’s music and life (based on my admittedly limited knowledge gleaned from interviews and podcasts).
I’m not sure exactly why Adam’s death hit me so hard, but I think at the time it made the pandemic seem that much more real and sinister to know it could take out a relatively young songwriter who was so full of life.
I heard the first Fountains of Wayne album at the right time and instantly connected to the almost deliriously catchy melodies and lyrics that didn’t take themselves too seriously. Thankfully none of these songs were as goofy as their later hit single which shall not be named.
I have fond memories of driving around belting out Leave The Biker and Survival Car with my kiddos when they were younger. When I messaged them that I was working on this tribute, Sage responded with “Fountains of Joshua Wayne” and it was too perfect not to use.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy these recordings. I put a lot into them and the process really helped me through these strange months of quarantine. I’ll be donating a percentage of proceeds to the Sweet Relief Covid-19 Fund which provides assistance to musicians and music workers affected by the Coronavirus.
Thank you for listening and for your time.
Love and hugs,
Joshua Wayne Hensley"
I’m not sure exactly why Adam’s death hit me so hard, but I think at the time it made the pandemic seem that much more real and sinister to know it could take out a relatively young songwriter who was so full of life.
I heard the first Fountains of Wayne album at the right time and instantly connected to the almost deliriously catchy melodies and lyrics that didn’t take themselves too seriously. Thankfully none of these songs were as goofy as their later hit single which shall not be named.
I have fond memories of driving around belting out Leave The Biker and Survival Car with my kiddos when they were younger. When I messaged them that I was working on this tribute, Sage responded with “Fountains of Joshua Wayne” and it was too perfect not to use.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy these recordings. I put a lot into them and the process really helped me through these strange months of quarantine. I’ll be donating a percentage of proceeds to the Sweet Relief Covid-19 Fund which provides assistance to musicians and music workers affected by the Coronavirus.
Thank you for listening and for your time.
Love and hugs,
Joshua Wayne Hensley"
Josiah Venter - Not Far from Poughkeepsie - Released 2007 - VIDEO COMING SOON
Justin "Stovepipe" Stover - Poughkeepsie, NY (We Love You) - Released 1/21/2016- Video
The Story - "Yeah, I was on a tour, performing at record stores and small venues in fall, 2015. A friend I hadn't seen in over ten years heard that I'd be driving through his then current home of Poughkeepsie, so we made plans to meet up. He was a friend who in 1999/2000 I had attended a very strict bible school with during my younger, more conservative days. We were both a bit nervous I think bc both of us had changed over the years, become more open minded respectively, but were not sure how the other had changed. Would we even get along anymore? We met up at a strip mall steak house that I believe was called Bugaboo Grill. There we chatted warmly for hours, and realized we had both changed a LOT, in good ways, and as a result felt like we now had a true friendship, even though we had no talked much in some time. When we were younger and at that strict bible school, I think we often said what each other WANTED to hear, as opposed to what we really felt and wanted to say, since that's the kind of dialogue that the strict environment of the bible school fostered. I remember feeling a lot of gratitude at the time for Poughkeepsie, even though I knew nothing about the town itself. I felt like it was a free, open place where two old friends could really get to know each other again, this time in more open, free environment. After the chat I put on one of my favorite punk albums and drove around the downtown, feeling very energized and full. I drove past a absolutely breathtaking woman, I'd say in her late 20s. She was playing with a yo yo next to a fire hydrant. Being a songwriter, I often store memorable images in my head for later use. She was one of them. After the tour, I sat down and wrote a song, inspired by that conversation with the old friend and also had the yo yo girl as one of the characters." Justin "Stovepipe" Stover
Kevin Borland - Poughkeepsie Line Romance - Released 10/24/2016 - Video
Kirk James Folk - I Ain't Going to Poughkeepsie - Released 8/24/2015 - Song
The Story - "The phrase 'I ain't goin' to Poughkeepsie' just popped in my head one day and I wrote the song in about five minutes. To the best of my knowledge I've never been to Poughkeepsie and I would certainly not refrain from going if I had the chance." Kirk James Folk
Labor Weight - Poughkeepsie - Released 12/1/2015 - Song
Laundry Day - Poughkeepsie Blues - Released 5/14/2017 - Video
Laura Leigh - The Ballad of the Poughkeepsie River - Released 5/20/21 - Video
Lorkin O'Reilly - Released 8/24/2018 - Poughkeepsie, Lyrics
Louisville Sluggers - Dutchess County Jail - Released 10/17/2006 - Video
The Story - "Steve and I and the whole band spent a week in that jail. Every word in this song is true. There was a guy in there who wished that a rhinoceros would appear in Poughkeepsie, run through there and knock the walls down. That could've worked." Terry Adams
The Story - "Steve and I and the whole band spent a week in that jail. Every word in this song is true. There was a guy in there who wished that a rhinoceros would appear in Poughkeepsie, run through there and knock the walls down. That could've worked." Terry Adams
Madska - Townie - Released 3/21/2024 - Video
Matt Jordan - Christmas in Poughkeepsie - Song
The Nihilist Spasm Band - Poughkeepsie - Released 9/2001 - Song
Pat Lamina -I Don't Do Much Travelin' - Song
Arthur - Sandof Ole' - VIDEO COMING SOON
Poughkeepsie - Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore Band
The Story - "Poughkeepsie make their Horror Pain Gore Death Productions debut with the EP "Macrocosmic Demise"! Despite the band name, Poughkeepsie are a Los Angeles based Deathgrind three-piece, taking their name from the horrid and brutal murders that took place in Poughkeepsie New York in the 1990's."
The Story - "Poughkeepsie make their Horror Pain Gore Death Productions debut with the EP "Macrocosmic Demise"! Despite the band name, Poughkeepsie are a Los Angeles based Deathgrind three-piece, taking their name from the horrid and brutal murders that took place in Poughkeepsie New York in the 1990's."
The Prairie Dawgs - Poughkeepsie Blues - Released 2/2012 - Song
Professor Caveman - Poughkeepsie Woman - Released 4/20/2018 - Video
The Story - "I’ve never actually been to Poughkeepsie but it kind of evokes this romanticism for me that I really associate with the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind (which is set in Montauk). The song (not unlike the movie) is kind of about reconciling an unrequited love and basking in both nostalgia and fantasy. I really should’ve named the song “Montauk Woman” but Poughkeepsie is a lot more fun to sing. I sometimes have dreams of walking on along a beach I’ve never seen before, but it somehow feels familiar. I imagine that place is in Poughkeepsie." Robert Romano
Quarterbacks - Pool - Released 2/10/2015 - Lyrics - VIDEO COMING SOON
The Story - "We just ate at Palace Diner (in Poughkeepsie) one night after a show." Hey, they can't all be incredibly insightful stories :).
Raekwon featuring Snoop Dogg - 1,2 1,2 - Video
Reaching Every Mountain - Summer Surprise - Released 10/16/2008 - Video
Robert Cassard - Poughkeepsie Calypso 4561 - Song
The Story - I was born and raised in Michigan, and became an avid musician and singer-songwriter as a teenager.
During high school, I had a brilliant girlfriend name Dorothy. We spent an idyllic post-graduation Summer together, then went our separate ways, unsure of our future together. I left for the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and she migrated east to Vassar College in Poughkeepsie.
For a couple months, we kept our relationship alive with long-distance phone calls. By November, we both knew we had to see each other in person — to fish or cut bait. I drove my rickety Chevy Vega station wagon to Vassar, where Dorothy and her roommate hosted me in a sleeping bag on the floor of their room in one of Vassar's quad dormitories named Strong House.
Poughkeepsie Calypso 4561 is an alliterative title that pokes gentle fun at what I perceived as a small college and town's sense of self-importance, especially in comparison with the massive school I was attending in Ann Arbor.
The song lyrics are full of references to Dorothy and her fellow students, their typewriters ("Maxwell’s hammer") and Oxford English Dictionaries (“with a magnifying glass and a key to the world”). I got in some subtle jabs about the lack of collegiate night-life (“Discos, Italian restaurants. Is that all you’ve got? Hell, that’s what we want.”); the early curfew and oversensitive RAs (“Turn down the music! It’s not even on.”); and flouting the strict rule against men and women sleeping in the same room (“you call yourself Strong, well that’s up to you”).
Of course, most listeners have no idea what this song is about, and much of it is simply nonsensical and goofy. But anyone can hear and feel the fun I had during my Vassar visit. And although Dorothy and I broke up soon after, I’m happy to have immortalized the town and college with such an oddball calypso-tinged song collage. - Robert Cassard
During high school, I had a brilliant girlfriend name Dorothy. We spent an idyllic post-graduation Summer together, then went our separate ways, unsure of our future together. I left for the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and she migrated east to Vassar College in Poughkeepsie.
For a couple months, we kept our relationship alive with long-distance phone calls. By November, we both knew we had to see each other in person — to fish or cut bait. I drove my rickety Chevy Vega station wagon to Vassar, where Dorothy and her roommate hosted me in a sleeping bag on the floor of their room in one of Vassar's quad dormitories named Strong House.
Poughkeepsie Calypso 4561 is an alliterative title that pokes gentle fun at what I perceived as a small college and town's sense of self-importance, especially in comparison with the massive school I was attending in Ann Arbor.
The song lyrics are full of references to Dorothy and her fellow students, their typewriters ("Maxwell’s hammer") and Oxford English Dictionaries (“with a magnifying glass and a key to the world”). I got in some subtle jabs about the lack of collegiate night-life (“Discos, Italian restaurants. Is that all you’ve got? Hell, that’s what we want.”); the early curfew and oversensitive RAs (“Turn down the music! It’s not even on.”); and flouting the strict rule against men and women sleeping in the same room (“you call yourself Strong, well that’s up to you”).
Of course, most listeners have no idea what this song is about, and much of it is simply nonsensical and goofy. But anyone can hear and feel the fun I had during my Vassar visit. And although Dorothy and I broke up soon after, I’m happy to have immortalized the town and college with such an oddball calypso-tinged song collage. - Robert Cassard
Ross Martin - Poughkeepsie Ridge - Video
Salon De La Guerre - She Invented Poughkeepsie - Released 12/14/2020 - Video
The Story - "I live in New York City, and while I'm not that familiar with Poughkeepsie, I find Upstate New York to be very beautiful. Also, I've had some friends who have either already relocated Upstate from the city or are planning to in search of a more domestic life. When I was writing the lyrics, I thought of how we idealize and invent the future, and the heroine of my song imagined a future in a place she had idealized but didn't know very well. And the name "Poughkeepsie" was in my thoughts because of its poetic qualities. And while the woman in my song was a little touched and came to an unhappy ending, her dreams were not dashed." Eric Rasmussen
The Story - "While on tour in America in 2014, we went through your beautiful town and we loved the name, it was bitter cold at the time and the Hudson was frozen over. The train was really going slow because of ice and snow in the tracks. We got delayed in Poughkeepsie, Eerie, Toledo on our way to Chicago. As I was on the train I knew I wanted to write about it. I hope the people of Poughkeepsie like it, it has received much airplay and streams in the past two years and fans come up to him at concerts talking about Poughkeepsie all the time. Sean would love to sing it live sometime in Poughkeepsie." John Broderick - writer/manager for Sean Keane
Sean Kelly - Poughkeepsie - Song
The Shut-Ups - Wronger - Released 11/16/2024 - Video
The Story - "I'd recently graduated from Spackenkill High School when I wrote "Poughkeepsie's Always Proud," and I was excited to leave for college. The song is about this cluster of longings -- my crazy desire to escape my lonely life and terrible summer job as a janitor at Hoyts Cinema, and my infatuation with a girl who seemed unreachable, and very much not of my suburban Poughkeepsie world. That's why it's a pretty bitter, sarcastic, but also joyful song. " Timothy Howard - Soltero
Something Corporate - Released 5/21/2002 -Lyrics, I Woke Up in a Car
The South Barracks Band - Poughkeepsie Princess - Re-released 8/8/2012 - Song
Stack Bundles - Remember My Name
Stomping Ground - Poughkeepsie - Released 10/16/2022 - Video
Street Connect - Rollin' Over You - Released 1997 - Lyrics, Video
Subterraneans - Song for Lee Miller - Video
Terry Adams and Steve Ferguson - Dutchess County Jail - Released 10/17/2007 - Song Newspaper Article
Theory - Hello Poughkeepsie - Video
Tommy Dorsey with Edythe Wright - He's a Gypsy from Poughkeepsie - Released 4/25/2937 - Video
The Turkeys - She Makes Me - Released 10-22-2022 - Video
What Lies Below - A Place Called Poughkeepsie
Will Lorin and his Orchestra - Poughkeepsie Pizzicato